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Did you know that your forum visitors can share your posts in just a click? It’s easy to share a post on Facebook, Twitter & Google+.
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New Website Template: Nosi
As a musician, most of your time is probably spent writing, rehearsing, or promoting your music. With so many marketing tools and tasks to check off your list, especially if you're self-directed, website design can fall through the cracks.
Whether you want to create a design right out of the box and move with your music, or want to set up a site with a completely C级执行名单 custom look, our Nosi music website template offers a full range of options.With this new website template, the goal was to create a truly open and flexible template that stayed true to traditional rules of web design while allowing plenty of creative control.
Nosi offers a wide space that feels familiar with a menu at the top, space for a full header, and a group website logo. It's an all-in-one option for musicians who want to create a new look or refresh their current website before releasing new tracks.